- Impact of the Positive Register on Federal Taxes
- Impact of the Positive Register for Legal Entities
- Impact of the ICMS and IPVA Positive Register
- Impact of the Positive Registry by state
- Impact of the Positive Register on SMEs
- Impact of the Positive Register
- Positive Register figures
- Truths and myths about CP
- Credit Damaging Practices
- History of Credit
- Overview of credit for agribusiness
- Overview of credit for industry
- Letter from the Business Front
- Case Midway (Riachuelo financial)
- Lessons from the Pandemic part 2
- Lessons from the Pandemic part 1
- 2 years of the Positive Register
- Financial Education and Score
- Credit Damaging Practices
- Penetration of the Positive Registry
- Telecom operators
- Sanitation sector
- I've been Neglected. Now what?
- SMEs - How to Borrow and Offer Credit
- Cookie Policy (BR)
- Multisectoral Manifesto Positioning
- LGPD Business sector manifesto
- Bill No. 4188/2021
- Legal-economic opinion on predatory litigation
- Letter to the new government (2023-2027)
- Sitemap
- Videos
- Studies and content
- ANBC Council
- Positions
- About ANBC
- What is a credit bureau?
- ANBC 2024
- Blog
- A informalidade, desenvolvimento e o sistema financeiro
- O Crédito e o Engajamento Legislativo: Um Novo Capítulo para o Crédito no Brasil
- Entendendo a Litigância Abusiva e seus Efeitos no Mercado de Crédito Brasileiro
- 20 years of credit-GDP ratio in Brazil
- Quality financial inclusion: a warning to the G20
- Credit and default: a cross-section of generations
- Credit on the rise, despite interest rates for 2025
- Credit that promotes well-being
- Taking stock of 2024
- The financial health of Brazilians in 2024
- Brazilians and Online Shopping
- Bureaus and telecommunications
- 2024 ICCR-International Committee on Credit Reporting
- Credit inside and outside the financial system
- Credit and over-indebtedness
- Financial education for SMEs - part 2
- Credit and financial education for small businesses
- The role of credit in economic growth
- The fronts of the fight against fraud
- Credit aligned with the lender's financial health
- A consumer right
- Impacts and benefits of the Positive Register
- Default and renegotiation
- Harmful credit practices
- Credit that promotes investment and the financial health of companies
- Credit for industry
- The transfer of the SELIC to the "daily interest rate"
- Financial inclusion for young people
- Information as a boost to regional credit
- Student loans in Brazil
- How is Brazil's financial health?
- The role of schools in financial citizenship
- Credit compatible with the borrower's conditions
- The size of the credit
- Central banks' digital currencies
- The sustainability of credit
- Credit and the economy in 2024 - prospects
- Taking stock of 2023: consumer credit on the rise
- Strengthening resilience and financial well-being
- Electronic duplicates: more information and security for commercial development
- PSD3: Open Finance regulation and the impact on credit
- Joint Resolution No. 6: cooperation to curb fraud
- How visibility for credit impacts the economy and society
- Free credit and directed credit in Brazil
- DeFi or Decentralized Finance: risks and opportunities of technological advances
- The conscious use of credit cards
- Safra Plan: credit and incentives for sustainability
- "Cashless economy: the advance of digital transactions and the gradual abandonment of physical cash
- Stability of the financial system: isolated case or systemic risk?
- Know Your Customer" policies and credit bureaus
- Do you know the 12 principles of financial consumer protection?
- Digital banks: strategies for survival
- "Banking as a Service and the proliferation of financial services
- Credit to companies in times of monetary tightening
- Beyond "banking": the importance of visibility for credit
- Credit analysis in the open financial system
- The turn of consumption and small businesses: a review of the credit market in 2022
- One agenda, several players: sustainable credit
- The role of the consumer in strengthening the credit market
- Outlook for the credit market in 2023
- 2022 and the new credit market scenario: a retrospective
- The importance of fraud prevention and credit bureaus
- Modernizing the financial system
- The beginning of the end for low default rates?
- The consumer moment: data on financial life
- Real estate credit in Brazil
- Before and after: four transformations in the credit market
- The Positive Registry and the S of the ESG
- Global Findex: the number of banked people is growing
- Rural credit: new times, new criteria
- Credit fintechs: their impact on financial inclusion
- Inflation, interest rates and credit: revisiting the outlook
- Do you know about guided credit?
- New Economy: what about the NoHolders?
- Financial innovation at the service of inclusion and citizenship
- Positive Registry proves potential for financial inclusion
- Financial citizenship: what is it?
- Renegotiation fairs
- Inflationary pressure and rising interest rates
- A new framework for credit guarantees
- You and your credit rating
- A review of credit performance in 2021
- Credit and financial inclusion for young people
- Credit on the agenda: the issues that crossed 2021
- How credit affects our well-being
- Credit for small businesses
- The new frontier of information technology
- The credit-GDP ratio in Brazil
- The particularities of the Positive Register in other countries
- The power of regional credit
- Financial transformation
- ESG: impact on the credit market
- Credit unions and their importance in the market
- The impact of the Positive Register on interest rates
- Collection intelligence
- Credit in adversity
- The importance of Analytics in the evolution of credit bureaus
- Credit in Brazil's economic recovery
- Ways to reduce the cost of credit
- Information and guarantees: how to improve the credit environment
- Credit and micro and small businesses
- Credit bureaus and their importance in managing credit recovery
- Credit in 2021
- The culture of credit
- What to expect from the ANPD
- Technostructural and economic lessons from the pandemic
- Lessons from the pandemic in its psychosocial aspects
- What to expect for credit in 2021
- Outlook for 2021: the economic scenario
- LGPD-Finality
- Financial education week
- The big warning for the coming months: the risk of default
- What to expect from the National Data Protection Authority
- Credit bureaus pay attention to information security
- Credit protection services with the LGPD
- The LGPD applied to the credit protection services market
- Data quality, one of the principles of the LGPD
- The financial big bang: a few more steps on the agenda
- LGPD principles applied to the credit market
- A snapshot of credit in recent months
- Debanking, informality and credit
- Credit is "tech": the implications of digitalization
- Economic measures for the crossing
- Why it is urgent to approve Bill 3.515, which deals with over-indebtedness
- Pillars that support credit will be important in the recovery of the economy
- The post-Covid-19 economy and credit
- The credit market and the challenges imposed by Covid-19 on the world
- Credit market and Covid-19 implications worldwide
- Financial education is essential in the face of the economic challenges of the pandemic
- Credit and the pandemic
- The new wave of Artificial Intelligence
- Why is the credit rating so relevant to the market?
- Inside the credit note
- World Economic Forum reinforces importance of new capitalism
- What will influence the global credit market this year?
- 2019 was a year of important changes for the credit market
- ESG is a trend in credit analysis for companies
- Trends in analytics and their impact
- Harmful practices jeopardize credit dynamics
- New Positive Registry will boost ESC loans
- Small businesses predominate and seek differentiated credit lines
- Identity fraud claims millions of victims every year
- Higher salaries don't necessarily lead to financial well-being
- All five regions of Brazil register defaults of at least 30%
- The role of guarantees in reducing interest rates in the credit market
- Credit today and in the future
- The main moments in the history of credit
- The new Positive Registry has been approved. What's next?
- How the Positive Registry helps with real estate loans
- Entrepreneur by necessity is a major beneficiary of the new Positive Registry
- New Positive Registry approved by the Chamber of Deputies
- Credit bureaus produced around 338 studies last year
- Four out of ten Brazilians in debt
- Why should stimulating credit be a priority for the new government?
- Against indebtedness, bureaus invest in financial education
- Tools to combat over-indebtedness
- Low credit recovery in Brazil increases the banking spread
- Why do defaults and taxation affect the banking spread?
- What are the variables that influence the banking spread?
- Positive Registry Law complements CDC and LGPD
- The importance of digital for credit recovery
- The role of bureaus is also to help consumers
- Cadastro Positivo receives wide coverage in the national press
- New Positive Register will expand data protection
- How does the State contribute to financial citizenship?
- How does the state contribute to financial citizenship?
- What does Financial Citizenship mean and why is it important?
- What does Financial Citizenship mean and why is it important?
- Electronic media
- How do credit bureaus obtain information about consumers?
- What are credit bureaus and what are they for?
- New Positive Registry changes banking secrecy
- New Positive Register respects consumer wishes
- How will consumers benefit from the new Positive Register?
- 7 benefits for consumers of the new Positive Register
- What is the Positive Registry like in other countries?
- New Positive Registry will inject around R$ 1 trillion into the economy
- Why is the Opt out model ideal for the Positive Registry?
- The benefits of the credit score
ANBC Events
- Frente Parlamentar pela Democratização do Crédito
- COSAMA to join the Positive Register
- 43 years of ANFAC
- Business Agenda 2025 | GDPR, Cybersecurity and AI Governance
- Induction ceremony for Faciap's executive board
- Elias Sfeir, took part in the premiere of the ANFAC Podcast
- Year-end dinner with the legal staff of the member firms
- UNALE 2024
- CONAMPE 2024
- Value Meeting 2024
- Faciap Business Congress 2024
- Elias Sfeir, at the ICCR event
- The progress of the Positive Record agenda in the energy sector
- ANBC's internationalization is already a reality ALACRED
- XVII Brazilian Congress of Consumer Law
- Launch of the book "Brazil's economic policy in the 2019-2022 period"
- Futurecom 2024
- The Journey of Financial Inclusion
- 57th National Retail Convention
- XIII North and Northeast Congress of MSEs
- The Future of the Receivables Market
- 47th CDL Convention
- 6th New Sanitation Framework Forum
- 2nd Permanent Forum for Micro and Small Enterprises
- Event 5 years of the Positive Register
- XII Regional Trade Promotion Meeting
- Digital Money Meeting 2024
- Symposium "Economic Freedom: Paths for Brazil's Future"
- Agro Evolution 2024, promoted by CMS Brasil
- FACESP Congress
- ACCIS Conference
- Enampe
- ANEEL for the success of the Positive Registry
- Shopkeepers in Manaus and the progress of the Positive Register
- Basic sanitation in the Positive Register
- Positive Registry Program in Amazonas Cosama
- ANBC was at the Equatorial Energia Group
- COSANPA Companhia de Saneamento do Pará
- ESG: The Impact on Business
- ANBC and FEBRABAN Educação have entered into a partnership
- State Program to Combat Over-indebtedness
- Faciap's Paraná Business Congress
- End of year dinner promoted by ACREFI
- IV National Congress of Commercial Registries (CONAJ)
- Harmful credit practices during the 26th Unale National Conference
- SENDI (National Seminar on Electricity Distribution)
- Banking Transformation Award by Cantarino Brasileiro
- VI National Trade Forum
- XII North and Northeast Congress of Micro and Small Enterprises
- ALACRED (Latin American Association of Credit Bureaus)
- ALACRED, the Latin American Credit Union Association
- Banking Anywhere Forum
- Positive registration in Ceará
- Positive registration in Minas Gerais
- Faciap Business Management Forum
- ABRADEE Award (Brazilian Association of Electricity Distributors)
- LIDE Technology Seminar
- "The Future of the Receivables Market", promoted by ANFAC
- Positive registration in Paraíba
- Cagepa (Paraíba Water and Sewage Company)
- 18th edition of the Brazilian Banking Yearbook (ABB)
- Fitch event on Banking 2023 Brazil
- 10th National Financial Education Week (SENEF)
- Meeting with the Secretary of Finance and Planning of the State of São Paulo
- Meeting of the Political and Social Council (COPS)
- Meeting of the members of the CGAP Consultative Group to Assist the Poor
- FID23 Congress
- Digital Banking - Disruption: The Strategy for Survival" event
- Carioca Business
- Dialogues with candidates for the Presidency of the Republic - UNECS
- Carioca Shopkeeper Merit Trophy
- 3 years of the Positive Register
- Open Finance Conference
- Predatory litigation
- ESG and the impact on the economy in 2022
- Banks, Telcos and Utilities Forum
- Telecom operators
- ANBC participates in SindilojasRio events
- Ibero-American MSME Forum
- Credit and Collection
- Online event Economy in debate
- ANBC and Neopag
- 60 years of the CNDL
- Global Retail Show 2020
- Digital Collection Seminar
- Live: VETO OF PL 675
- ACP - Commercial Association of Paraná
- First edition of the Open Banking Forum
- Positive Registration Caravan
- ESG and XP
- 50 years of ABDE
- TelComp Workshop
- 14th edition of SIAC and XII TelComp Seminar
- Futurecom
- Business Revolution 2019
- Meeting promoted by FACESP
- Positive Record Caravan São José do Rio Preto
- Positive Registration Caravan held in Santos
- Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA)
- Permanent Forum for Micro and Small Enterprises
- 17th edition of the Brazil Finance and Investment Forum
- Financial Inclusion" event
- IV National Trade Forum
- Permanent Forum of MSEs
- Positive Record Caravan Mogi das Cruzes
- 12th Symposium of Commercial Development Entrepreneurs in the State of São Paulo
- Meeting promoted by M2G LGPD
- Telebrasil Panel 2019
- Approval of the new Cadastro Positivo model
- ABAD's Annual Indirect Channel Convention
- Meeting with parliamentarians
- Meeting with Senator Sérgio Petecão - PSD-AC
- Sinditelebrasil and Aesbe
- Closing the year
- Meetings with Anatel, ANEEL and Senacon - Brasília
- ANFAC - National Commercial Development Association
- ANBC une-se à FACIAP e ACP por ajuste na legislação para trazer proteção aos consumidores e evitar o superendividamento
- Nova frente parlamentar busca ampliar acesso ao crédito no Brasil
- CNPJ Alphanumeric
- Despite Trump, sustainability remains a determining factor for credit
- Credit-to-GDP ratio reaches 54.5%
- Generative AI in predictive credit analysis: yes or no?
- Class Actions for "Name Clearing"
- After reformulation, Cadastro Positivo shows encouraging results
- Credit bureaus suspend debt negation in RS for 60 days
- Credit bureaus will suspend debt negation in RS for 60 days, says ANBC
- Banking Forum
- Energy sector
- LinkedIn News - Credit in Brazil grows to 8.6%
- CREDIT The Brazilian consumer
- Growing demand for sustainable skills
- BaaS, the multiplication of financial services and the next steps with AI
- Innovation applied to the credit market and the bureau sector
- Neoenergia Coelba adds 5.1 million customers
- Conscious credit, default and financial education in Brazil
- ANBC Entrepreneur News
- How MSEs can benefit from the Positive Register
- Positive registration advances: "We can't change interest rates, but we can change the spread"
- Cadastro Positivo has benefited 22 million Brazilians with access to credit
- Understanding entrepreneurs' cycles facilitates access to credit
- Industry of class actions to clear names is damaging the credit market
- Anatel will support the inclusion of prepaid cell phone accounts in the positive register
- Telecom operators entered 11 million in the Positive Register
- Positive registration grows in Paraná
- Interview with ANBC president on TV Assembleia do Ceará
- Interview on BandNews FM Radio
- Positive Registry proves potential for financial inclusion
- Credit bureaus and factoring sector fight 'injunction industry'
- Predatory litigation is in the CNJ's sights
- Opinion: Credit bureaus can provide solutions for Open Banking
- Protection of personal data included among fundamental rights
- Positive registration advances and already reduces loan rates
- Seven tips to keep credit healthy in 2022
- 4 reviews on access to credit during the pandemic
- PIX and its impact on credit
- Telcos have already sent around 53 million records to the Positive Register
- Credit bureau sector
- The LGPD in the credit market
- Transforming the challenge of negativity
- Credit bureaus are optimistic about digital currency
- Impact of the coronavirus on companies
- Positive Registry could inject up to R$ 82 billion into rural credit
- Paying for everything in cash and not using credit can worsen a positive credit rating
- Consultation of the Positive Registry will be released on Saturday
- Inclusion of names of good payers in the positive register
- Positive Registration CBN Vitória
- Positive registration can provide more guarantees
Press Room
- ANBC becomes a BIIA member
- ANBC becomes a BIIA member
- ANBC becomes a member of BIIA
- Credit rating in Brazil
- ANBC projects credit on the rise for 2025, despite interest rates
- ANBC assesses the importance of credit in the economic recovery of 2024
- Alerj News - Unale Conference
- UNALE Conference 2024
- VIII Latin American Micro and Small Business Congress
- ANBC reinforces commitment to financial inclusion and visibility for credit
- ANBC shows the way to financial education at UNALE's 27th National Conference
- The sanitation sector has the potential to add 55 million
- ANBC once again joins the judging panel of the Banking Transformation Awards
- ANBC to coordinate panel at 24th edition of Futurecom
- ANBC and ANFAC join forces
- With 5 years of operation, Cadastro Positivo
- Electricity Sector Positive Registration
- Rio Grande do Sul, credit bureaus suspend debt negation
- ANBC participates in the 11th edition of the National Financial Education Week
- ANBC attends ACCIS 2024 Conference
- Communication prior to registration in a credit protection register can be made by electronic means, STJ decides
- Cleaning up the Positive Register
- Electricity sector
- Amazonas in the Positive Registry
- Pará Sanitation Company
- Over-indebtedness
- The basis of financial education
- Sanitation sector joins the Positive Registry
- Banking Anywhere forum supporter
- The importance of the credit rating
- First phase of Desenrola
- EDP enrolls customers in the Positive Register
- Banking Transformation Award
- How small businesses can benefit from the Positive Register
- Cadastro Positivo has benefited more than 22 million Brazilians with access to credit
- Positive Registration turns 3
- "Name-cleaning industry"
- TransUnion is ANBC's newest member
- Taxonomy is key to the evolution of ESG initiatives
- Ibero-American MSME Forum
- 62 million defaulters in the country
- The role of credit bureaus in expanding the economy
- Class C is the most in control of their bills
- People are more aware of budget control and financial education
- Why it's urgent to approve PL 3.515
- With 63 million defaulters, Brazil is making progress in preventing over-indebtedness
- Telecom operators join the Positive Register
- 62% of consumers already know what a credit score is
- Two years of Cadastro Positivo: have interest rates really fallen?
- In just two years, the Positive Registry has reduced fees by an average of 10.4%
- New decision-making tools based on analytics
- World Bank annual study
- Lawyer Marcel Leonardi nominated by the credit bureau sector
- Why credit card installments have gained momentum
- Credit in 2021
- The impact of the pandemic's lessons on 2021
- Next decisive steps in the regulation of the LGPD
- Consumer Protection Code turns 30
- Midway's experience confirms the benefits of Cadastro Positivo
- Cadastro Positivo to receive data from electricity consumers
- 5 tips to avoid over-indebtedness
- Telecom operators join the Positive Register
- Credit bureau sector
- 1 year of Positive Registration
- Positive registration can help consumers
- Financial education
- ANBC press release
- Tax to regularize credit note is a scam
- 8 essential financial precautions during a period of social isolation
- Positive Registry could inject up to R$ 82 billion into rural credit
- Positive registration could increase Espírito Santo's income by more than R$ 4.1 billion
- New Positive Registry could inject R$ 353 billion into São Paulo's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 28 billion into Pará's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 3 billion into Acre's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 9 billion into Alagoas' economy
- Positive Registration could inject R$ 4 billion into Amapá's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 15 billion into Amazonas' economy
- Positive registration could inject up to R$ 48 billion into Bahia's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 29 billion into Ceará's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 38 billion into the Federal District's economy
- Positive registration could inject up to R$ 20 billion into Espírito Santo's economy
- Positive Registration could inject R$ 41 billion into the Goiás economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 17 billion into Maranhão
- Positive Registration could inject R$ 20 billion into Mato Grosso do Sul's economy
- Positive Registration could inject R$ 23 billion into Mato Grosso's economy
- New Positive Registry could inject up to R$ 102 billion into Minas Gerais' economy
- Cadastro Positivo could inject R$ 14 billion into Paraíba's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 71 billion into Paraná's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 35 billion into Pernambuco's economy
- Cadastro Positivo could inject R$ 10 billion into Piauí's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 13 billion into Rio Grande do Norte's economy
- Positive registration could inject up to R$ 101 billion into Rio de Janeiro's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 73 billion into Rio Grande do Sul's economy
- Positive Registration could inject R$ 9 billion into Rondônia's economy
- Positive Registration could inject R$ 47 billion into Santa Catarina's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 2 billion into Roraima's economy
- Positive registration could inject up to R$ 8 billion into Sergipe's economy
- Positive registration could inject R$ 6 billion into Tocantins' economy
- New positive register could include up to 22 million consumers
- New Positive Registry is sanctioned by the President of the Republic
- Positive Registry is approved by the Senate and goes to presidential sanction
- Chamber of Deputies approves new Positive Registry
- Credit bureaus produced at least 338 studies last year
- Young people enter the consumer market with a high level of debt