anbc & biia

ANBC becomes a member of BIIA


ANBC becomes a member of BIIA, an organisation active in information services and credit bureau in the Middle East, Asia and Pacific.

Entities join forces to drive global good practices, including innovations in the Brazilian market

The National Association of Credit Bureaux (ANBC) is now a member with the Business Information Industry Association (BIIA), an organisation that represents companies involved in information services and credit agency ecosystems operating primarily in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. This collaboration provides a unique space for the exchange of experiences and the construction of joint solutions for emerging and developed markets.


The dialogue between ANBC and BIIA aims to align the visibility to credit in Latin America with global best practices. For Elias Sfeir, president of ANBC, the partnership strengthens the sector, boosting sustainable development through the exchange of knowledge in regulation, innovation and data use. “ANBC acts as a driver of innovation and governance in the credit sector, in Brazil and Latin America and this initiative will expand our action even more. We are recognised as the voice of innovation and sustainability in credit and our mission is to promote a fairer, more efficient and inclusive credit ecosystem, bringing benefits to all involved,” Sfeir points out.


Neil Munroe, Managing Director of BIIA and Deputy Chair of the ICCR commented on ANBC joining BIIA- “It’s great to be able to welcome ANBC to the BIIA community. With Latin American organizations taking a growing interest in the Middle East and Asia Pacific and with current BIIA members taking an active interest in building relationships in the region, ANBC joining is very timely. We look forward to supporting ANBC in their important goals and their input to the work of BIIA”

In addition to its recent collaboration with BIIA, ANBC already maintains strategic partnerships with other major international organisations, such as ACCIS (European Credit Information Services Association), ALACRED (Latin American Credit Federation) and ICCR (International Credit Reporting Committee), reinforcing its commitment to modernising and strengthening the global credit ecosystem. Among its main achievements, stand out the implementation of the Programme of the Positive Cadastre, which has already provided visibility for credit to 21 million natural and legal persons, the SCR of the Central Bank of Brazil that added 6 million more unpublished records, constant search for new data sources, fostering credit, one of the engines of the economy and social well-being. 

Initiatives such as studies, content for financial education and regulatory engagement, coordinated by ANBC, will have global visibility.


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