
Induction ceremony for Faciap's executive board


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On February 4th, ANBC, represented by our president Elias Sfeir, took part in the inauguration ceremony of the executive board of the Federation of Commercial and Business Associations of Paraná (Faciap), which has been operating in the state for over 60 years!

During the event, Elias met industry leaders such as Alfredo Cotait (Confederation of Commercial and Business Associations of Brazil - CACB), Paulino R. Barros, Jr. (Equifax), Roque Junior Pellizzaro (SPC Brazil), ERCILIO SANTINONI (CONAMPE - National Confederation of Micro and Small Enterprises), Hilgo Gonçalves (ACREFI), among others.

We congratulate Fernando de Moraes on his excellent management and wish the new president Flávio Furlan and his board of directors success in their new term in office. Faciap!


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