Source: Revista ANFAC issue 131 | By Elias Sfeir The damage to the economy caused by the "Name Clearing" class action industry The credit ecosystem has faced a scenario of preliminary injunctions granted in class actions aimed at...
Follow on Google News Source: VEJA | By Márcio Juliboni, Felipe Erlich 17 Aug 2024, 08h00 A system that gathers the financial history of people and companies reduces credit costs and has included more than 20 million Brazilians in the...
Follow on Google News By Álvaro Campos, Valor - São Paulo The sector will also postpone the inclusion of debts that are already in the process of being communicated in the database and will cancel the display of notes registered after the...
Follow on Google News Source: Broadcast - ECONOMIA & MERCADOS The National Association of Credit Bureaus (ANBC) announced on Thursday, 16, that its member credit bureaus will suspend for 60 days the denial of debts in the state of...